Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Releasing Limitations

Star Beings, Tallebudgera Creek, 13/7/09

As we seed ourselves into your dimensional framework we open you to the potential of who you are. Many of the memories you hold you cherish, yet others limit you to who you think you can be. We are here to tell you dear ones that you have no limitations apart from the ones that you place upon your beings. No frameworks for what you can and can't create other than those you design for yourselves. We could call you the architects of creation and sometimes the architects of limitation - you and only you deciding which limitations you place upon yourselves.

Through our relationship with you and your relationship to the divine, we invite you to open the doorways of your realities. To create a flood of possibilities, release limitations and take journeys to new awarenesses and truths. For truly when you strip back your limitations you will see indeed that you are powerful creators who have inserted yourselves into this reality, this dimensional framework to discover how to release the limitations of space and time out of your being. To know yourselves as one light and to step forward in the surety of this knowing.

You can release your hold on the past, on the energy and attention of others and the manifestations of security on this plane. You can return your awareness of self onto you as a divine seed, complete with many avenues of possibility waiting to unfold. You can be as you are and know yourself as you can be, whole, joyful, complete and real. We remind you of the depths of who you are.


Message from aboriginal guide, Childers, 10/9/07

As we descend into the denseness of physicality, we may lose our connections to our sky brothers and sisters, to the wander lust that sets us free to uncover our breakfast wherever we choose to go. By staying in one place, we are chained to our land, to our ground and because of our lack of movement, we may feel a need to force from it everything we can get. We forget the systems that kept us alive all these years, of crop rotation, of observing the health of the land and we drive her into degradation, punish her for the lack of life being easy, of our bellies being full. In some ways she is like a beast. When we drive her in such a way she becomes old and tired. She cannot give in the ways she would like. She is not punishing us, but has been worn down. And so when we awaken to our relationships with all life, we notice the affect of our actions, our lack of love and care. We open ourselves to acknowledge that lack and we begin to know ourselves anew. We reach out to her and nourish her again and the imprints upon her begin to heal.

We can live in harmony and connection with one another. We can recognise each other's souls and spirits. We can live without driving one another to death in service to our lack. We can recognise the guilt imprinted on our souls for the harm we have done and hand it over to the great spirit. We are one. We can heal the trauma for all impacts on our freedom. When each brother holds the other's hand we create freedom. The separation between ourselves and the animals are what sewed the seeds of separation within our own species. When we attempt to divide and conquer we are facing a part of ourselves, the great spirit. Knowing our oneness within is creating our oneness outside. When we heal our separation we are truly alive and our breath and blood can flow. And so we tell you to walk together and hold hands as we create the one flow.

One Life

Channelling from Aboriginal Guide at Mary River Tiaro 9/7/09

These lands are precious to my peoples. We watched the birds nesting by the banks of the river. Sometimes we ate them for our dinner. We did so in joy. We honour the body of our mother. Our children soaked up the sun on these shores, basking in the goodness the mother provided. We treasured these lands in our hearts and held the dreams for them. We felt the hearts of the creatures swimming in the river and we felt joy.

All of nature is one life. Her heart, her blood courses through all, when we were here we were glad. Like the fishes we jumped in the water for pure joy. We felt the flowing water on our skins and nurtured ourselves in her light. We knew ourselves in the resonance of the grass and the trees. The blowing leaves, the snapping of a branch, all are her voice calling our name and so the spirit of the earth calls to you, calls you home to be nurtured by her one song. Let your heart awaken to her call brother, for by knowing her, you know yourself. You will be made pure and clean. We love you and want happiness for you as we would a brother. Our hearts are clean. We love for the good of all, welcome home.