Friday, November 27, 2009

Heart Light Dreaming

When I discovered myself in no time, I recognised that my being could be in many places simultaneously. I could journey through the heart light matrix and I could return to myself again through doorways and passages of light. I could call out to myself and come back to myself through the dimensional doorways I had projected myself through to become an image of myself. What I became was so beautiful I fell in love with it, watching with rapt attention. When I paid attention to something it grew and responded to me.

And yet I felt the need to set these parts of myself free, to allow them to wander and explore creation on their own. And so the journey of separation and the fall. I didn’t know the exact moment of disconnection or when if ever my creatures would return to me yet I felt they deserved this chance to be – and I a chance to have others like me.

And so began many worlds, moving away from me in a spiral of living consciousness I was filled with anticipation every day for what would happen in the new universes. And yet my heart grew sad with longing. I sent out a clarion call for return. Imagine my surprise when some of my creatures looked at me with cold hearts of not knowing, responding to my own uncertainty and self doubt. The creatures of my heart, containing a piece of me closed and filled with hatred.

And so began my campaign to nurture them and heal their hearts, to bring them home. I knew they would blame me for the separation. My light wants to be a part of all creation, to light experience with my understanding and knowing, to nurture and love them to hearts made whole. And so I journey to the places where I can be received, lighting a light that will light all of creation and all their journeys. We were not meant to be lost to one another, awaken, creatures of my heart light, claim your freedom, awaken from your dream.

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